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BE1's Industrial Safety Experts

A successful assembly of specialized and highly experienced and competent industrial safety experts from the esteemed Amos Gazit company, Israel's biggest safety and medical equipment company since it's foundation 60 years ago. Amos Gazit represents the biggest global brands from the safety, security and medical fields, and BE1 chose to team up with the veteran and well experienced company, which is an essential company in Israel. Amos Gazit's top experts and managing staff create this unique cooperation with BE1, in order to unify our industrial safety solutions under one roof.


The team members are from various backgrounds, ranging from a senior fire brigade officer, veteran officers from the Israeli defense Force at the search and rescue  brigades, veterans of the Israeli intelligence service and experts who have gained extensive  experience in the industry. Each one is an expert in his field and knows how to give his services in full cooperation with the other counterparts in the team.​​

Industrial Safety Services:

  • In the field of safety technology, fire services, emergency response services, law and  regulatory enforcement and industry customers all place their trust in our Specialist Team integrated hazard management systems, for personal protection and plant safety 

  • The team also  develops customized solutions, such as entire fire training systems, training, and service  concepts as well as workshops, in collaboration with its customers 

  • The Specialist team is the representative of the top leading companies in the field, which  eventually covers the entire need of the client. The Company’s long-term success is based on the four key strengths of its value-driven  corporate culture: customer intimacy, professional employees, continuous innovation, and a  commitment to outstanding quality

  • Our specialty is concentrated on almost all fields related to safety, security, Fall protection,  fire brigade, search and rescue teams, military, police, mining, industry, hospitals, gas  detection, specification of new solutions and of course turn key projects

For full information and details about our experts and the unique services they provide, please contact us

Ilil Podliszewski Lavi

Idan Naor
Vice President

Eitan Sahar - Specialists Team Manager


Asaf Harel - Consultant, lecturer, and an Expert in PPE & Rescue


Gil Cohen - Consultant, Instructor, Lecturer and an Expert in Gas Detectors and Breathing Apparatuses

Udi Grinberg - Consultant, Instructor, Lecturer, Solutions Specifier


For full information and details about our experts and the unique services they provide, please contact us

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