BE1-Defense El Salvador
BE-1 Defense El Salvador, contributes with technological solutions, training and technical advice of the highest quality, with a high degree of professionalism and experience that has characterized us in Europe and Latin America since 2007, in the field of National Defense and Public Safety, contributing directly to the needs of the Armed Forces, Public Security Institutions, firefighters, civil protection and others, in order to generate comprehensive and viable solutions for the Salvadoran state.
About us
BE1 Defense El Salvador, begins operations in September 2022, with the purpose of generating technological solutions, training, coaching and technical advice at the highest level in relation to national defense, public safety, emergencies and natural disasters, with highly trained and experienced human resources, such experience and human talent is provided by our parent company located in Israel.
Founded in 2007 and since then, led by the President ILIL PODLISZEWSKI LAVI, this brand has become a reference worldwide and especially in Europe and Latin America. These achievements could not have been reached without having adhered to the highest standards in the world and a set of consultants and local business experts, BE1 Defense El Salvador focuses on providing the same quality customer service, technological innovation and exceptional after-sales support that characterizes the brand.
BE1 Defense and technologies El Salvador has multiple technological solutions and services focused on all levels of National Security and Defense, for the Armed Forces, Police, Firefighters, Borders, Private Companies, among others, being the direct representative of its sister company in Israel; on the other hand all solutions are adapted to the real need of the client being this a determining and unique factor, to develop and innovate functional solutions that are according to the budget of each client in the private or governmental sector.
Our catalogs
We offer technological solutions for the Defense Forces, including Armed Forces, Police, Special Forces but also to protect Critical Infrastructure such as Energy Plants, Factories, Hospitals and more.
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BE1 Defense El Salvador
Edificio Insigne, Av. Las Magnolias
San Benito, San Salvador, El Salvador